
Seek Wholly Living with Christa Svoboda

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The Importance of Sabbath - LISTEN HERE

Do you practice the Sabbath?  Do you wish you knew how to make a Sabbath day possible in your busy life?  Joining me today is Rachel Fahrenbach, author of Rest and Reflect: 12-Week Guided Sabbath Journal.   We discuss what the Sabbath is and why it is important.  We also take on the biggest struggle in our busy culture of how we can intentionally begin practicing the Sabbath as an act of obedience and expect to see God's faithfulness and blessings in our life.

This conversation will leave you challenged , encouraged, and empowered to begin practicing the Sabbath. 

Healthy Families - Chiropractic

I have heard it said that when you feel well, you act well. I have found this to be true for myself and for my children as well. One of the ways we keep our family healthy is through chiropractic care. In today's conversation we will learn about many ways that chiropractic care can be beneficial for moms during their everyday life as well as during pregnancy. We will also discuss some of the reasons that chiropractic care is helpful for babies and children and how you can find a chiropractor to serve your family well.

Today's guest is our family chiropractor, Doctor Debbie Vu. She is a wonderful mama to her 3 children and owns a family chiropractic office with her husband, Body and Mind Chiropractic. They believe that chiropractic care is essential to healthcare. Dr. Debbie is a family wellness chiropractor that has additional certification in Pediatric Care, Pre-Natal Care and the Webster technique. She also has additional education in nutritional and low force techniques and specializes in helping women optimize their pregnancy, as well as boosts kids and adults health alike by helping maintain the health of their spine.

You can learn more about Body and Mind Chiropractic at Body and Mind Chiropractic.

So encouraging!

What a great podcast! I loved listening to Christa and the wonderful women she had talking with her, as they authentically spoke from their hearts about their personal mothering experiences. I felt like I was just another mom pulling up a chair and having a conversation with these sweet women. Listening to this podcast after a long day of mothering my own children, left me feeling totally refreshed and encouraged! I can’t wait to hear more!”

— Ashley H., mom of 3

5 Star Review on Amazon Podcasts

Encouragement for parents and grands!

I loved the purposeful conversation especially around intention. Giving ourselves permission to rest and to choose joy. Making things happen. Not letting things happen. Well done.t stand out

- Gramna E, 10/04/2020

5 Star Review on Amazon Podcast