You’re not alone Mama. (1).png

You’re not alone mama. 

If you woke up this morning to an abundance of needs, just waiting for you to meet them all, you’re not alone.  

If this idea of “rest” or a “weekend” seems like an elusive dream in the far-off distance, you’re not alone. 

If the calls of hurting friends, work, piles of dishes or laundry, and a husband who just wants a piece of his lover and friend are echoing past the sounds of the children who are simultaneously calling out for you, you’re not alone. 

Now you have choices to make… to not simply make it through this day, but to find the gifts that it holds. 

Where is your peace in the chaos?  Is it in a lit candle? 

Where is your joy in the noise?  Is it in a cup of tea you savor while listening to the stories that someone was aching to tell you? 

Where is your hope in the overwhelming heaviness your heart is holding? Is it in a text to a friend who will speak life into your heart in your moment of need? 

Where is your deep restoring breath?  Is it in the embrace of the husband who desperately wants to love you? 

Where is your fulfillment in the never ending tasks? Is it in the music you play that nourishes your soul? 

Where is the “rest” that you know you need? 

Maybe today it’s in the simple choices… YOUR choices— the candle, the tea, the text, the embrace, the music… choose to find rest for yourself today mama.

Where will you find rest?


How to Start a Mom’s Group


How to Create a Culture of Rest in Your Home